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Shameless Self-CNN-Plug

CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 is doing a series this week on how different cities across America are faring during the economic crisis.  I was interviewed by the program (the reporter was Randi Kaye) about how Pittsburgh is doing (reasonably well, all things considered).  I’m told that the segment will air tomorrow (Wednesday) night.  Or not.  But now I’m told that it will definitely air on Wednesday night 3/18.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 may not run the Pittsburgh piece tonight (Wednesday 3/18). Apparently something called “AIG” is causing a heap of trouble, so the news will be about that. Maybe the Pittsburgh piece will air later in the week.

Life is so uncertain.

(Updated: Between the bonuses paid by AIG and Natasha Richardson’s death, last night’s AC360 (3/18) was barely about Detroit, where AC was hosting the show. The Pittsburgh angle never had a chance.)