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I have just finished reading John Tehranian’s new book, Infringement Nation:  Copyright 2.0 and You, which I mentioned in a previous post.

image3561.gif While there are a lot of books about digital copyright law already out there, this one is definitely worth a read as it tackles a number of issues differently – or with a different emphasis – than some other texts.  This is probably because John has an active entertainment law practice in and around Hollywood as well as being a law prof.  The book thus has a very practical stance as well as adding some interesting new theoretical perspectives to challenging questions about applying traditional copyright principles in the digital “cut and paste” culture.  There is extensive discussion of some of the practical consequences of the current law around America’s copyright registration system.  And the book usefully looks at the various roles content users play in the digital age – acting in the capacity of infringers, transformers, consumers, and downstream creators of works.  The discussion is a timely take on complex practical and theoretical issues and is well worth a read.