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Papers, New Papers

I have a new short fair use paper up at SSRN: “Madisonian Fair Use.”  It was published recently at the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal as part of AELJ’s Thirtieth Anniversary Issue, which featured contributions from Jane Ginsburg, Jessica Litman, Christina Bohannon, William Lee, and me, each reflecting on earlier pieces published in the Journal.

I was reminded to post that link after reading Abraham Drassinower’s new, short copyright paper, “Copyright is Not About Copying.”  That paper is up at the Harvard Law Review (online) Forum, critiquing Shyam Balganesh’s contribution to the just-published HLR Symposium on Pragmatism and Private Law: “The Obligatory Structure of Copyright Law: Unbundling the Wrong of Copying.”

Of equal interest to me, as a sometime thing-meister myself, is Henry Smith’s contribution to the same Symposium: “Property as the Law of Things.”  “Things” are interesting and important in law for reasons having little to do with property, but I always enjoy an interesting things paper.