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A copyright radio ad

I never thought this would happen, but today I heard my first radio ad directed specifically towards copyright. The ad, airing here in Boston, criticized attempts in Congress to add a performance right for recording artists, and it encouraged listeners to fight the “tax” on radio stations.

Now, if only all of copyright becomes perceived of as a tax….

1 thought on “A copyright radio ad”

  1. Fred, I’ve heard this ad playing around the country for the last several weeks (I’ve heard it from Maryland to Minnesota to Colorado, at least). The curious thing is its absolute lack of context. “Tax=bad” is its rhetorical punch, and in rural America, where I’ve heard the ad, maybe the broadcasters think that’s enough. There is nothing about copyright, nothing about performers or songwriters, nothing about access to music, or even apple pie and Mom.

    So, I wonder whether this sort of ultra-reductionism is a good thing or a bad thing on the whole. Is this approach a one-off situation, or should it be adapted to other copyright and IP policy debates?

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