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Is This Us?

Here is an outlier post that uses the law review manuscript submission “system” as the starting point for a new model of manuscript submission and review at social science journals.  Note the post’s description of how the law review world works:

The idea stems from the law review system in which people submit their papers to a clearinghouse where it can then be assessed by all of the law review editorial staffs that the author targets for submission. You can submit to as many law reviews as you’d like. Once one law review accepts the paper a bidding war begins between the reviews. The author almost always takes the offer from the most prestigious law review, which often doesn’t come until a number of lower-tier publications have made their case for why you should publish the paper in their review. It may be easier to convince a higher tier journal to accept your work if you already have 15 acceptances. The system is fast. You submit papers twice a year, which is followed by 2-3 months of negotiation until all of the publishable papers are divvied up among the reviews.

I can see how the law review world could be interpreted as working this way, particularly by a scholar who specializes in organizational theory, but my bet is that most law review authors would look at it differently.